Significance of economic characteristics of spring wheat

МРНТИ 68.35.29                                                                                         №1 (2021г.)


Abduazimov А.М.


Steady growth of the world’s population and lack of water in irrigated agriculture amid global climate change is an urgent problem to meet the population’s demand for grain products. This can be achieved by growing fast-ripening spring wheat in a short period of time and creating intensive varieties. The search for donor varieties by grain quality for their use as a starting material for the further improvement of the local agroecotype of spring common wheat by creating new varieties is topical and high-priority. The main indicators characterizing the baking qualities of wheat are the quantity and quality of gluten in the grain. According to the research results, promising source varieties combining adaptability with a complex of grain quality indicators should be recognized the varieties of Kr-SpR2014-14, Kr-SpR2014-22, Kr-SpR2014-4, Kr-SpR2014-6, Kr-SpR2014-19 ,
Kr-SpR2014-10, Kr-SpR2014-15.
Keywords: selection, spring soft wheat, grain quality, sedimentation index, gluten, protein.


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2 Pumpyanskij A.Ya. Tekhnologicheskie svojstva myagkikh pshenicz. L.: Kolos, 1971. [Pumyanskij A.Ya. Tekhnologicheskiye svojstva myagkikh pshenits. L: Kolos, 1971]

3 Psheniczy` mira / pod red. Brezhneva D.D.. L.: Kolos, 1976. [Pshenitsy` mira /pod red. Brezhneva D.D., L.: Kolos, 1976 ]


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