Creation of technology and recipe for wheat bread with addition of enterosorpers food fiber

ІRSTІ                                                                       №4 (2019г.)


Aknazarov S.Kh., Amzeeva U.M., Bekseytova K.S, ,Nuraly А.М., Matushev A.Zh., Zhiyenbaeva S.Т., Bayesbaeva M.P., Moldakulova Z.N.

In recent years, the state of public health has been deteriorating in Kazakhstan, which is associated with increasing pollution of the environment, food products with toxic substances, pesticides, radionuclides and also a generally depressed immune system function. Food manufacturers have begun to pay more attention to the manufacture of products using a variety of food ingredients that promote better health, including dietary fiber. Daily use of foods containing dietary fiber, reduces the risk of colon diseases and cholesterol levels in the blood. Therefore, the creation of technology and the formulation of wheat bread with the addition of enterosorbent dietary fiber with certain properties becomes more and
more urgent.
Keywords: enterosorbent dietary fiber, carbonized rice husk, nutritional value, silicon dioxide, wheat bread, bread.

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