Influence of quince powder on the properties of wheat bread

№3 (2018)


Alexeeva N.V., Urazbayeva K.A.,.Orymbetova G.E, Alibekov R.S., Mamaeva   L.A.


The scientifically substantiated and experimentally confirmed expediency of application of products of quince fruit processing in the form of powder in the technology of wheat bread production with the purpose to obtain a product that has fortified nutritional properties and a prolonged shelf life. Analysis of finished samples of wheat bread showed that the samples of bread with the addition of products of quince fruit processing have an intense color of crusts, rich taste and aroma. The final bread with the addition of quince powder has a smaller, uniform and thin-wall porosity of the crumb, without voids and signs of hardening. During studying the microstructure of crumb of wheat bread, it was found that the use of quince powder causes the formation of pores evenly distributed throughout the crumb volume that makes it possible to obtain bread with developed porosity and thin walls, a larger specific volume. The addition of quince powder allows to slow the drying, as well as molding of wheat bread
for a period of 12 hours to 3 days. Quince powder enriches wheat bread by essential macro- and microelements. The optimum dose of the introduced of quince powder is 3-5%.
Keywords: quince, food additive, staling, molding, potato disease, bread, bakery, production

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