System of classification and quality assessment system of mutton and lamb

№3 (2018)


Smagulov A.K., Chomanov U.Ch., Imanzhuparov Zh.K.  


Nowadays, there are different systems for the classification and evaluation of lamb and mutton quality in the world. Analysis of lamb classification systems in foreign countries shows that there are differences in the principles of classification, definition, fatness category and in methods for assessing the quality of meat carcasses. Scientific research and world practice show that when assessing the meat productivity of sheep, it is necessary to take into account the breed, age, live weight, fatness and yield of meat on the bones, and when assessing the quality of the carcass mass,
fullness, meat content, color of muscle and adipose tissue. The experience of foreign sheep breeders and meat producers in standardizing lamb and mutton meat is very important in light of the forthcoming meat supplies for export to China and other countries. Harmonization of lamb classification systems with international standards will ensure the stimulation of production growth, the introduction of intensive methods of growing animals and improving the quality of meat.
Keywords: standardization and sertification, lamb and mutton classification system, quality assessment system.



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