
Rakhmatulina A.B., Ibrayev S., Imanbaeva N., Sakenova A.M., Mazhen A.N.

Abstract. The paper developed the optimal design of the rod pumping unit (RPU) drive based on rectilinearly guiding converting mechanisms using modern methods for calculating mechanical systems, searching for optimal solutions in tasks with many criteria, and meeting modern requirements. The drive mechanism of the rocking machine, comprising a base, a crank pair connected to the main articulated four-link mechanism, a balancer support, a two-arm balancer with a front arm and a rear arm, characterized in that it has a connecting rod consisting of two triangular contours, which is pivotally connected to the rear arm a two-arm balancer and with a rocker arm, and the front triangular contour, which serves as the front arm of the connecting rod, is connected to the suspension point of the column rods, and the counterweight is
fixed on the front arm of the two-arm rocker. The technical result is achieved by the fact that a two-link group is attached to the main four-link mechanism, forming a class III mechanism. The attached two-drive group is the leading crank connected to the rack and connecting rod.
The aim of the invention is to develop an optimal design for a balanceless drive of sucker-rod pumping units based on a six-link rectilinearly guiding class III converting mechanism. The main idea is to develop a new small-sized design of the SC based on an unbalanced drive with low metal consumption.
Key words: mechanism, two-drive group, crank, connecting rod, unbalanced drive, optimal design.

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