Tuleshov А.К., Seidakhmet A.Zh., Abduraimov A.E., Kamal A.N.

Abstract. In this paper, the derivation of the equations of dynamics of a four-wheeled mobile robot is carried out using the variational principle of least constraint, known as the Gauss principle. Equations of nonholonomic constraints are obtained. The function of the measure of coercion of the four-wheeled mobile robot is composed. Dynamic equations based on the Gauss principle are obtained taking into account the dynamic
characteristics of two DC motors. Methods for taking into account the friction forces on the wheels and random perturbations due to the unevenness of the canvas are proposed. On the Maple platform, an algorithm and a program for modeling the dynamics of a mobile robot based on the Gauss principle were developed the correctness of the obtained equations of robot motion were proved.
Key words: Mobile wheeled robot, Gauss principle, equations of dynamics, motion modeling, disturbing forces.

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