Kozbagarova G.A., Ponomareva N.I., Belyaeva G.N.

Abstract. The level of use of the scientific potential of the regions largely determines their prospects and sustainable development, which is directly related to improving the quality of life of the country’s population. The article discusses statistical information on the state and development of the scientific potential of the regions of Kazakhstan for 2017-2021. The indicators of the intensity of R&D development in each of the regions are given, information is provided on the number and composition of personnel performing research and development, and the costs of research and development. The specificity of the economy of individual regions of the country is noted. The characteristics of the scientific, scientific and technical projects and programs implemented in 2021, carried out within the framework of grant and program-targeted financing, are given. The results of scientific and technical activities, the contribution to the development of scientific knowledge of each region were judged by the number of completed projects and programs, the number of publications, including in foreign information resources Web of Science and Scopus, the availability of security documents, as well as the implementation of research results.
Keywords: region, regional science, regional development, regional efficiency, scientific and technical potential, innovative development, publication activity, scientific priorities, fields of science.

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