Impact of the corona crisis on particular spheres of the economy of Kazakhstan


Glikman A.S., Belyaev G.N.

Abstract. The article analyzes the most vulnerable sectors of the economy in the service sector, affected by the introduction of restrictive measures to restrain the spread of the coronavirus infection in Kazakhstan. The rates of income change in such areas as tourism, entertainment, trade, catering and technical services are shown. The most acute problems faced by workers of the above industries are identified. The dynamics of changes in the unemployment rate and GDP in Kazakhstan is reflected. The measures taken by the state to stabilize the economic situation in the country and control the epidemiological situation in the country are described. The most vulnerable sectors of the service sector were identified, the financial well-being of which
suffered the most, as well as industries there was a rise within. The analysis covers the period 2019-2020 and is based on data processing by the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Keywords: coronacrisis, reduction of employment. coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), service industry, economic crisis, anti-crisis measures.

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