Conceptual aspects of orphan’s socialization


Sadyrova А.

Abstract. The existence of the orphan’s institution is an urgent problem of humanity and this reality, in turn, tends to generate, as a rule, negative consequences for the individual, society and the state that cannot be fully resolved for a long time. Orphans care require not just sympathy and compassion, but also extremely interested activity on the part of the whole society. Such a conclusion will not be an exaggeration if the public is aware of and takes into account the degree of severity, risks and threats from «failed lives», since children socializing outside the institution of the family do not exist separately, in a closed space (as a certain group of people assumes). They are an indisputable element of society, influencing the level of its fullness no less than children who entered the world thanks to family upbringing. The problem is aggravated by the fact that society itself, in its current cultural and ideological state, does not quite objectively and humanely perceive this problem. The article provides a theoretical analysis of concepts that try to explain the reasons for the rejection of the society of children from orphanages, the emergence of difficulties in building relationships with them, as well as their ineffective socialization.
Keywords: pupil; orphan; anomie; discrimination; victimization; socialization.

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