Designing of a new radial-shear mill By analyzing the design decisions of existing mills

ІRSTІ 53.01.77                                                                                        №3 (2019г.)

Mashekov S.A., Tusupkalieva E.A., Nurakhmetova K.K., Nurtazaev A.E., Nugman E., Sembaev N.S., Tukibay A.A., Bekbosynova B.A.


A radial-shear mill combined with pressing has been proposed. The analysis of the design of the existing three-roll screw or radial-shear mills used for the manufacture of seamless tubes and bars from metals and alloys is presented. It is shown that one of the important conditions for the creation of a reliable and durable radial-shear mill is the design of machines with small gaps. It was established that the reduction of gaps in the nodes of the main line of the mill could be achieved through the use of three rolls of radial-shear rolling, reliable push mechanisms, hydraulic clamps, spindle devices on rolling bearings, individual drive of rolls in working stands. The influence of the roll reversal on the feed angle to the stress-strain state of the heavily loaded elements of the new design mill is determined. It is shown that the new mill has a fairly high rigidity of the stand design and satisfies the strength condition. The modeling the elastic deformation of heavily loaded elements of a new radial-shear mill, have resulted in developing measures their modernization.
Keywords: radial shear mill, rolls, bed, pillow, bearings, elastic deformation, rods, stiffness, strength.

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