Obtaining an antis serum to the blutangvirus

МРНТИ 68.41.53                                                                               №3 (2020г.)

Kurmanbekova Zh., Koshemetov Zh., Mustafin М., Mustafin B., Alikhanov K.


This article presents the results of retrieving the antiserum to the virus of bluetongue. In the experiment, healthy sheep and goats of 6-12 months of age were used to obtain specific serum for the bluetongue virus. When obtaining a specific serum in the process of hyperimmunization of animals we used antigens prepared in three ways. Scheme hyperimmunization animals differed between the methods of administration of the antigen. As a result, to obtain the optimal serum antigen we antigen purified through Millipore filter 0.45 millimicron. Specific serum the antigen differed in specificity and activity of serum obtained at the RDP amounted to 4.0 log2.
Keywords: bluetongue, immunization, blood serum, diffusion precipitation reaction, antigen.


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