Quality and safety of the kazakh whiteheaded breed bull beef obtained during growth on the farm in the conditions of the “MM” farm in Zhambyl Region

МРНТИ 68.39.15                                                                                      №1 (2020г.)

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Gabit G.G., Yelu T.S.

This article represents a practical work on meat productivity indicators of the Kazakh white-headed breed, grown at the farm “MM” in the Zhambyl region, and the article considers the analysis of meat productivity indicators of the bulls. It is a fact, that feeding bulls has a significant role on the main indicators of meat quality. In the course of the study, Kazakh white-headed breeds showed high rates of meat productivity compared to local cattle and proved their relevance to real meat breed. It turned out that feeding bulls with a high-quality fodders and increasing their level of nutrition positively affect the quality and safety of meat. It was found in the study of the morphological composition of the carcass. It turned out that recommendations for the maintenance and level of bull feeding can improve the yield of meat and meat productivity of livestock.
Keywords: Kazakh white-headed breed, meat productivity, the index method, exteriors, measurements, cow, cattle, live weight, fatness of cattle, meat breed, bull, slaughtering weight, carcass weight

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