Improvement of biotechnology manufacturing Fermented milk products, yogurt.

Kenzheyeva Zh.K., Velyamov M.T., Dyuskalieva G.U.

Annotation. A brief overview of the nomenclature and some technologies for the manufacture of existing dairy products in Kazakhstan, including yoghurt, is presented. Dairy products are the most highly nutritious foods. Especially milk and sour milk products should constitute the beginning of a diet for children of all age categories: early, preschool and school. Since milk and dairy products in addition to easily digestible proteins should contain easily digestible forms of calcium salts, magnesium and vitamins in the production process is constantly improving their usefulness.The production of milk in Kazakhstan is quite developed and has large volumes. According to the statistics of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the food industry for 2015, 5.18 million tons of milk were produced in Kazakhstan (40% of milk was processed), in 2014 – 5.06 million tons of milk (40% of milk was processed) , 2013 – 4.93 million tons of milk (41%), 2012 – 4.85 million tons of milk (35%). The best milk producers are: South-Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan, Almaty, North-Kazakhstan regions.
Key words: milk, yoghurt, sour milk product, vitamins, microorganisms, enzyme, protein


МРНТИ 65.63.33, №2(2018г.)

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