Research of technology for obtaining soft cheese from goat’s milk

МРНТИ  65.63.39                                                                                 №2 (2020г.)

Zhumakhan  V.S.  Cozycan S.


Recently, there has been an emerging tendency to replace cow’s milk with goat milk, especially in the production of cheese, baby and medical nutrition. The advantage of soft goat cheese is a more efficient use of raw materials, high nutritional value of the product, as well as a high yield of the finished product. This article presents the technological processes of production of soft cheese from goat’s milk and the results of research on factors that affect the quality of products. In particular, the technological parameters of obtaining soft cheese from goat’s milk, the order of pasteurization of milk, bacterial yeast consumed to obtain cheese mass, the optimal amount of rennet and calcium chloride were studied, and information was given about their impact on the yield and quality of products.
Key words: goat milk, cheese, yeast, rennet, СаCl2.




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