Balance experiments on the purification of waste gases of thermal power plants from SO2 and NOХ by carbonate melt


Dosmukhamedov N.K., Zholdasbay E.E.

Abstract: The conceptual scheme of the waste gas treatment technology of the CHP includes the organization of interconnected processes of chemical absorption of SO2 and NOx by the carbonate melt of alkali metals and further regeneration of the carbonate-sulfate melt by natural gas. In previous studies, it was shown that it is possible to purify waste gases from sulfur and regenerate the melt with carbon monoxide. The limitations of these works were the use of CO as a reducing agent during the regeneration of the melt, and the practical lack of data on the behavior of nitrogen compounds. These gaps are eliminated in this paper. Based on the results of balance experiments of the process of chemical absorption of SO2 and NOx from waste gases by a carbonate melt, and the regeneration of a carbonate-sulfate melt by natural gas, the principal possibility of implementing a closed technology for deep purification of gases from SO2 and NOx is shown. It is
shown that the process of chemical absorption of gases by a carbonate melt and the regeneration of the melt by natural gas at the same temperature of 500 °C allows the technology to be implemented using a single reactor. It was found that during the chemical absorption of SO2 and NOx from the waste gases of the CHP by the carbonate melt of alkali metals, more than 95 % of sulfur and ~60 % of nitrogen compounds are captured. It is shown that in the process of regeneration of a carbonate-sulfate melt with natural gas, 100% extraction of sulfur and nitrogen into the gas phase is achieved with the formation of alkali metal carbonates in the melt. The results of the material balance of the process of chemical absorption and regeneration of the carbonatesulfate melt by reduction with natural gas are presented.
Keywords: waste gases, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen compounds, chemical absorption, carbonate melt,
regeneration, natural gas.

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