Judicial and economic examination on the affairs connected with crimes in the bank sphere (money laundering)

№3 (2018)


Lysenko V. A., Gabdulmulinov D. S.,  Djartibaev A. K.


Тhe purpose of a large number of criminal acts is receiving profit for the individual or the group which is carrying out this act. Criminal cases about crimes in the bank sphere are one of the most difficult in investigation. In this article it is developed an actual subject of judicial and economic examination on the affairs connected with crimes in the bank sphere to this day. The tasks solved by judicial and economic examination within crimes on money laundering through banks are considered. Some aspects at purpose of an economic ekspekrtiza are covered. For improvement of the mechanism of investigation of crimes in the bank sphere and increases of coefficient of solvability of this category of affairs, are
offered some options for strengthening of efficiency of production of judicial and economic examinations on affairs, connected with crimes on money laundering in the bank sphere in our country.
Keywords: judicial and economic examination, economic crime, money laundering, special economic knowledge.



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