Studying the toxicity and safety of the carbon mass of hemosorbent

МРНТИ 31.23.01, 34.39.49



Nuraly A.M., Mutushev A.Zh., Aitzhan M.U., Seisenova A.B., Kudyarova Zh.B., Baiseitov D.A.

Abstract. In recent years, methods of extracorporeal detoxification using carbon materials have received due recognition and widespread development. Carbon materials for blood detoxification based on coal have firmly taken a dominant position among sorption materials. This is due, first of all, to the fact that carbon sorbents have wide possibilities for selecting the required physicochemical and structural sorption characteristics. It has been established that a single oral administration of biomass to rats at a dose of 75 mg/kg does not cause any signs
of intoxication. At the same time, no animal deaths were recorded throughout the entire observation period. There were no gender differences in the sensitivity of rats to the action of the drug. Due to the lack of mortality in the dose range studied, the lethal doses of LD100 and LD50 could not be determined.
Key words: toxicity, safety, concentration, oral administration, macroscopic examination, substance.

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