Change in the stability of clay hydrodispersions under the influence of polyelectrolytes that differ in the properties of macromolecules functional groups

МРНТИ 31.15.37                                                                             №3 (2020г.)

Asanov А., Mameshova S.A.


This article sets forth the study on the change in the stability of clay hydrodispersions under the influence of polyelectrolytes that differ in molar ratio and the nature of the functional groups is studied. It was revealed that under the influence of a polyelectrolyte containing non-ionizable vinyl acetate and acrylamide units, as the number of very weakly positively charged amide groups increases, a slight increase in the destabilization of clay hydrodispersions is observed. A rapid decrease in the stability of clay hydrodispersions under the influence of polyelectrolytes containing highly ionizable functional groups of 2-methyl-5-vinylpyridine and diethylaminoethyl methacrylate with an optimal molar ratio is noticeably even stronger. In contrast, polyelectrolytes having positively charged units of diethylaminoethyl methacrylate and negatively charged carboxide functional acrylic acids exhibit a weak destabilizing-flocculating effect. The patterns of changes in the stability of clay hydrodispersions depend on the nature, ratio,
sign of charge, location of functional groups of the polyelectrolyte.
Keywords: polyelectrolyte, clay hydrodispersion, synergism, destabilization, ionization.


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