Investigation of the combustion processes of gas-generating flame extinguisher cartridges with car-bon combustible


Aіtеnov E., Abdrakova F.Y., Beхsultan Zh.B., Myshyrova Zh.К., Tulepov M.I.

Annotation: The aim of the work is to search optimal compositions of gas-generating flame extinguisher cartridges, which should catch fire in very short periods of time, measured within 10-15 milliseconds, in this regard, studies of the flash point with a minute delay in ignition of pyrotechnic components were conducted. The flash point of the initial components, including nano aluminum T = 4200 C, has been established. The optimal composition of the flame extinguisher is NA – 80; Nano Al – 5; Nano C – 15, with this composition the flash point decreases to T = 3500 C. It should also be noted the minimum sensitivity of this composition, which is 0.02 MPa. In the case of increasing carbon content up to 20%, burning as well as its speed, decrease to the extent that it leads to the decay of combustion through radiation heat loss.
Key words: Gas-generating cartridges, flame arresters, flash point, nanoaluminium, carbon.

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