Original developments for domestic pharmaceutical production



Sadanov A.K., Berezin V.E., Baimakhanova B.B., Lukmanov G.V., Orazymbet S.E., Lakhk O.N., Balgimbaeva A.S., Trenozhnikova L.P., Gavrilova N.N., Ratnikova I.A.

Abstract: Currently the pharmaceutical market of Kazakhstan is almost completely represented by imported products. At the same time, the science of Kazakhstan can make a worthy contribution to the development of the pharmaceutical industry. The Scientific-productional Center of Microbiology and Virology, has been carrying out research projects which are currently at different stages of development. “Roseofungin-AS” is an original drug for superficial mycoses has been developed and introduced into practical health care. “CanProFem AK” is the new form of an antifungal drug based on the roseofungin antibiotic for vaginal candidiasis and “ASProbionorm”, a new drug for inflammatory and infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are approved for clinical trials. The problem of lack of drugs for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections has become particularly relevant lately. In this regard, the development of original domestic drugs effective against COVID-19 and influenza is being carried out.
Key words: drug development, roseofungin, probiotic, antiviral drug.

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