Results of evaluation of protective properties of paint and varnish coatings based on industrial waste

МРНТИ 55.22, 53.01.97, 81.33                                                                        №2 (2021г.)

Abzalova D. A., Myrzaliev D. S., Seidullayeva O. B., Seilkhanov T. B.

One of the ways to extend the service life of the machine is a high-quality paint plus maintenance and repair. Almost all components and parts of the machines have paint coatings, which improves the overall esthetics of the machine marketable look and protects the metal parts from corrosion. Protecting metal parts from corrosion is the most important function of paintwork. During the operation of machines and their parts under adverse effects of weather and mechanical impacts and sharp changes in temperature, the paint coating fades, loses its original color, while cracks, scratches, chips and other defects appear on it, the same happens with large-sized structures. To maintain a good appearance, constant maintenance is required, as well as partial or complete replacement of the paintwork. In the total scope of maintenance and repair of the machine and tractor fleet (especially tractors, trucks and combine harvesters), paintjob maintenance stands out. Carrying out research works caused by the need for a systematic presentation of accumulated knowledge in the field of research of durability of coatings technology and improvement of application technology of coatings with the aim of increasing their durability in the manufacture of engineering machinery industry. In this paper, we investigate the properties of paints and coatings, methods of testing and is offered experimentally confirmed the direction of improving the technology of applying coatings with the aim of improving the durability of machine parts
during operation of the equipment.
Keywords: paint coating, aggressive environment, protective properties, adhesive strength, durability of coatings.


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