Research of the influence of intensive plastic deformation on the structure of the surface layer of R6M5 instrumental rapidcutting steel for application the functional coatings

МРНТИ 55.22.19, 53.43.03                                                                          №2 (2021 г.)

Abdirova R.D., Tusupkalieva E..А., Mashekov S..А.

The article accounts development of a tool with rolls with helical working surfaces. This tool is designed to produce semi-finished products with a finegrained structure. The developed tool implements severe plastic deformation without significant changes in the original shape and dimensions of the workpiece. The tool deploys smooth rolls for rolling strips from billets with a wavy surface. In The article investigates the stress-strain state (SSS) of the billet when rolling strips in helical and smooth rolls using the finite element method and the ANSYS-LS / DYNA software product. Based on the obtained data, it was found that rolling of sheet material used for the manufacture of a high-speed plate in helical and smooth rolls provides intensive deformation of its surface layers. Intense deformation of the surface layers of the strips contributes to the formation of a homogeneous ultrafine grainy structure, which leads to an increase in the strength properties of a high-speed plate made of R6M5 steel and obtaining a rational structure for applying functional coatings.
Keywords: rapidcutting steel R6M5, rolling, helical and smooth rolls, stress-strain state, intensity stresses and deformations, functional coatings

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