To the study of regularities heat pump with self-cooling compressor

МРНТИ 55.39.37                                                                                         №2 (2021 г.)

Demesova S.T., Omarov R.A., Omar D.R., Yerzhigitov E.  

The heat pump is a technical device that transfers heat energy from a low-potential source to a consumer. It belongs to a promising direction of heat power engineering. The authors put forward hypotheses for improving the efficiency of the heat pump by connecting a solar collector to it, as well as by self-regulating cooling of the compressor with an evaporator. Theoretical research analyzes the concepts of joint absorption of energy from direct solar radiation and heat from the surrounding air, which occurs in the solar collector when it works with the heat pump, as well as the intensification of heat transfer from the compressor surface by absorbing excess heat by the evaporator. The authors conclude that new technical solutions can increase the heat capacity of the solar collector by means of the effect of joint absorption of energy from direct solar radiation and heat from the surrounding air and the heat pump by returning the heat generated by the compressor to the system and improving the temperature regime of the compressor, including cooling the electric windings of the drive motor.
Keywords: heat pump, compressor, evaporator, condenser, conversion factor, low-potential heat source,energy saving, energy efficiency, renewable energy.


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