Influence recreational activities on the vegetation cover of territorial recreation systems alakol lake

ІRSTІ 39.19.31, 87.29.91                                                                           №4 (2018г.)


Mukayev Zh., Ozgeldinova Zh., Iskakov Zh.  


This article propose criteria for the component integral estimation of the recreational potential of landscapes of Alakol lake basin. This method is based on the component-based estimation of landscapes, which consists of the sum of the average values of the main indices of the constituent landscape: relief, climate, water objects and soil and vegetation cover using a three-point system. Such indicators as absolute altitude and its dissection were used as parameters of the functional estimation of the relief. The climatic component assessment scale took into account such parameters as the duration of a favorable summer recreational period in days, the height of the snow cover, the sum of air temperatures above + 10°C. The diversity and scale of water bodies, the average annual flow was taken into account when assessing the recreational value of water. Soil and vegetation cover was assessed taking into account the natural zone, forest cover and waterlogging of the territory. Based on the obtained values of the landscape potential, a map was compiled and zoning of the territory was carried out according to the degree of attractiveness of natural landscapes for the development of recreation and tourism.
Keywords: natural resource potential, tourism, recreation, recreational potential, relief, climate, water bodies, soil and vegetation cover.

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