“Enterocol” against intestinal infections of young farm animals

ІRSTІ 34.27.51, 68.41.35                                                                                 №4 (2018г.)


Biyashev K.B., Dzhanabekova G.K., Kirkimbaeva Zh.S., Biyashev B.K., Ermagambetova S.E., Sarybaeva   D.A.


It was created the highly effective environmentally safe probiotic preparation «Enterocol» against intestinal infections of young animals of farm animals. As a result of the studies, it was obtained an attenuated strain of Escherichia coli 64G. It is characterized by the following biological properties: corresponds to the normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract of healthy animals; non-pathogenic and non-toxic; is active in the ecosystem of the gastrointestinal tract of animals, carries the passage through the stomach; has the ability to adhere to the epithelium and live in the digestive tract; has genetic markers to distinguish it from strains of natural origin, safe for young animals of farm animals. Patent No. 28311 is obtained for the strain Esherichia coli 64G. On the basis of E.coli 64G strain, it was developed probiotic preparation Enterocol, which was widely tested in the farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the treatment and prophylaxis of gastrointestinal diseases of newborn young animals and birds. Patent No. 25918 was obtained for the drug “Enterocol”. There are no analogues in the world.
Keywords: Escherichia, probiotic, attenuation, strain, intestinal infections.

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