Free internet tools for development and promotion of Kazakhstan tourism products

Iskakova A.T.

Abstract. Since the advent of the Internet, the intermediation world has undergone through dramatic changes. In the past, the tour operators and the traditional travel agencies played a very important role because without them traveling was virtually impossible. The choice of this topic and interest is determined by the moment because we live in a world in which things are constantly changing. Internet tools have become very popular among experts in the field of marketing and advertising. Enterprises of direct and indirect tourism spheres use the Internet as a provider
of effective tools for designing and promoting tourism products / services. Modern advertising specialists note that over the past 20 years, the volume of advertising has increased by 20 % on the Internet and by 8 % on TV, and in print media it has decreased by 10 %. The amount of advertising on the Internet will soon overtake that of the TV. Along with the market and popularity of the Internet, SMM has been developing. New tools, applications, and platforms also have emerged.
Keywords: Internet advertising, tourism promotion, search engines, Google, tourism in Kazakhstan.

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