Improving the system of technical operation of pumping units

МРНТИ 55.42.45, 55.30.14                                                                               №4 (2020г.)


Myrzaliyev D.S., Abzalova D.A., Seydullaeyva O.B., Zholbarys N.K., Kalzhigit B.E. 


Тhe article explores the subject of improvement of the system of technical operation pumping units. The guaranteed heat and power supply to consumers is significantly impacted by the stable, highly efficient operation of pumping units that make up the majority of thermal and power plants. Issues of improving the reliability of pumps are very relevant and require close attention to design and operational maintenance. Currently, the main direction of technical policy in the field of improving the operation of pumping units is mainly related to the modernization of operational pumping equipment and improving the consistency of the hydraulic network pumps that are currently in operation. Analysis of this data allows to determine the most reliable components of pumping equipment with the greatest static and dynamic action, as well as to develop emergency failure strategy and
tactics for pumping units.
Keywords: energy efficiency, industry, centrifugal pump, hydrophobization, energy facility, teflon coating.




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