Morphological analysis of car catalytic neutralizer constructions

ІRSTІ 55.01.94                                                                                           №4 (2018г.)


Ibatov M.K., Kadyrov A.S., Pak I.A., Barchenko L.M.  


The article gives a morphological analysis of constructions of catalytic neutralization of toxic components of exhaust gases. A complete morphological map of the catalytic neutralizer based on the main constructive features is presented. The authors compiled a set of conditions that exclude many hypothetical working catalysts inadmissible variants. To unambiguously characterize the design of the catalytic neutralizer, the authors have identified the necessary and sufficient characteristics of the catalytic neutralizer. Based on the performed morphological analysis of the catalytic neutralizer, the authors determine the possible number of design options, and offer combined exhaust gas purification devices for vehicles to neutralize their emissions into the atmosphere, which increase the efficiency of the catalytic neutralizer. As a result of the formalization of the catalytic neutralizer design, 324 possible configurations of the catalytic neutralizer were determined from the morphological map.
Key words: catalytic neutralizer, exhaust gases, morphological analysis, construction.

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