External Information system of enterprises: model of relationship between parameters and indicators for the comprehensive protection of enterprise information

МРНТИ 28.27.27, 81.93.29                                                                 №4 (2020г.)

Drozd V.G. Spanova B. J.


This article reviews application of systematic approach on the stage information security risks analysis in industrial settings, and describes procedural
issues of building a model on interrelation of information system parameters and indicators that provide comprehensive information protection. It is confirmed that by creating an information security system, help to reduce costs in case of threats to information interference. In addition, the solution of strategic tasks of IT security is associated with ensuring competitiveness and increasing adaptability to the market. The need to create security systems based on model experiments that take into account the relationship between parameters and indicators of integrated information protection of business processes at the enterprise is cost-effective and expedient.
Keywords: information protection, information technology, information security, data protection, IT systems.


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