The assessment of mixture homogeneity of bulk materials

ІRSTІ 67.09.05, 28.23.15                                                                      №3 (2019г.)

Arslanov M.Z., Zeinullin A.A., Korobova E.V., Mustafin S.A.

A method for estimating the homogeneity of a mixture of bulk materials has been proposed. The method is based on the computer processing of photos samples of a of bulk materials mixture and the separation of the mixture components’ consideration zone by color .. Its implementation on a computer allows assessing the heterogeneity of a mixture of mechanically difficultly separable bulk materials. This approach can be used to quickly and accurately determine the homogeneity of building mixtures. The tracing algorithm for the allocation of the center line in the image was used for the mining and geological task – the design of overburden operations, when it is required to determine the direction of mining operations for
the extraction of mineral raw materials and as close as possible to the required conditions for the content.
Keywords: mixture, bulk material, image features, distribution, color, pixel, degree of mixture homogeneity.

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