Testing the strength characteristics of polymer concrete for additive technologies

МРНТИ 67.09.45                                                                                  №1 (2019г.)


Dalimanov R.K., Krasikov B.N.


Building 3D-printing today attracts a wide range of the public. The advantages of building buildings using 3D-printing include: improved properties of finished products, great savings in raw materials, the ability to manufacture structures with complex geometry, the possibility of implementing advanced design developments, and, of course, production mobility and accelerating the pace of construction. Despite the numerous advantages of additive technologies, there are problems that relate to the high cost of 3D construction printers and consumables, the lack of a regulatory framework and the limitations in the selection of building materials for them. In this paper, the authors studied the strength properties of polymer-grained concrete based on polyester resin, designed for industrial 3D-printer. The optimal conditions for the hardening of the composite are revealed. It is proved that the obtained polymer composite surpasses the control sand-cement sample in strength, which makes it possible to use the developed composition for additive technologies.
Keywords: additive technologies, 3D-printer, polymer composite, compressive strength, polyester resin, structure of buildings.

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