Fodders based on additives from grape processing waste with the input of natural minerals for lambs and sheep

ІRSTІ 68.39.15, 65.31.91                                                                          №4 (2019г.)


Alimkulov J.S., Velyamov M.T., Sarmankulov T.M., Zhumalieva   T.M. 

The article considers the possibility of using feed additives from grape waste (grape squeeze) with the introduction of a natural mineral (fodder vermiculite) for the purpose of producing compound feeds for 4-5 month old lambs, lamb and suckling ewes. It is known that the composition of the feed additive is the main factor in the effectiveness of its use and the condition for the production of animal feed that meets the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation. For this, an analysis was carried out and the chemical composition, nutritional and energy value of feed additives was studied. The norms for introducing grain mealy raw materials and feed additives into animal feed are determined. The scope of
the developed compound feeds is the feed mill industry and the livestock industry. The introduction of feed additives into the feed composition will not worsen technological and quality indicators and will save grain and protein raw materials, and reduce environmental pollution.
Keywords: feed, feed additive, grape marc, fodder vermiculite.

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