Historical facts and results of the inventory of Shymkent dendropark



Mambetov B.T., Maysupova B.D., Kelgenbayev N.S., Dosmanbetov D.A.


Abstract. In the south and southeast of Kazakhstan, more than 15 soybean diseases have been registered. All these diseases cause significant damage to soybean production, reducing the yield and its quality. Phytopathological examinations of seeds of commercial varieties of soya Eureka, Kazakhstan 200, Bucuria, Kazakhstan 2309, Hybrid 687 and Mereke showed that they are infected with various phytopathogens, molds and saprophytic grubs. The most common fungi of the genus Fusarium. The incidence of F. gibbosi-um was 29%; F. solani-11%; F. moniliforme-7%; F. sambucinium-2%. Soybean seeds infected with diseases had low field germination, and are a source of infection by various pathogens. Among the causative agents of the molding of seeds, the microorganisms of the genera Penicillun and Aspergillus dominated. Against soybean seed diseases, the following disinfectants have been tested: TMTD, foundation stone, tochigarene, bytan, sumy-8, superfine, derozal, phenoram, benomyl. It is established that all disinfectants positively influence the germination energy and germination of soybean seeds. The most promising disinfectants were foundazol and benomyl in a dose of 3 liters / ton of seeds. Selected from the collection of cellulose bacteria are strains Nos. 3, 7, 77, 707 with high antagonistic activity.
Key words: Soybean, seed diseases, fusariosis, transplasis, ascochitis, etchant, varieties, strains of cellulose bacteria, foundation, bytan, germination, infection.

МРНТИ 68.37.13, №2(2018г.)

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