Extraction of organic fertilizers from urban green waste

МРНТИ 87.03.15, 87.53.20                                                                      №3 (2020г.)



Aliyev R.N., Maymekov Z.K., Bakanov K.T., Cherikov S.T.


In the city forestry, during sanitary cleaning and annual seasonal work (in spring and autumn) to care for green spaces, a large amount of wood-plant
waste is generated: mowed grass, fallen leaves, pruned branches and wood from tree felling. In all settlements of the republic usually try to bury these wastes at landfills of solid waste, while there is the possibility of obtaining valuable compost from them, suitable for the formation of lawns, greenhouses, and reclamation of disturbed lands. Every year in the cities, the number of various plant diseases are increasing which can be caused by both a lack of nutrients (soil depletion) and an excess of elements of technological soil pollution. To ensure the ecological safety of cities, polluted territories require measures for their rehabilitation.
Keywords: processing, wood-vegetable waste, compost, organic fertilizers


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