Morpho-anatomical structure of leaves of wild-growing plants Agropiron fragile (roth) candargy, Stipa sareptana a.beck, Artemisia terra – albae krasch cultivated in soils polluted with unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine

МРНТИ 87.15, 34.31                                                                                       №2 (2021 г.)

Uteulin K.R., Bekeshev E.A., Amrin M.K., Kurbatova N.V., Aldasugurova Ch.Zh., Fedorina O.A., Atygaev A.B., Stepanova E.Yu.

Unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH), an efficient and widely used rocket propellant, is an environmental pollutant which is efficiently accumulated by plants which in turn are integrated into a the human food chain. Researches of UDMH impact on wild species of plants are relevant since the plants accumulate this toxic compound that has first class hazard for human population, plants store this super toxicant and when plants die, secondary environmental pollution occurs. Objective of this research is to study morpho-anatomical characteristics of leaves of wild species of Agropyronfragile, Stipasareptana, Artemisiaterraе-albaе plants in conditions of soil pollution with UDMH. It has been established that in conditions of environment pollution with UDMH, leaves of wild species Agropyronfragile (Roth) Nevski, StipasareptanaA. Beck. and Artemisiaterraе-albaе Krasch develop characteristic of xerophytes leaves: decrease in lamina thickness; decrease in area of conducting bundles; decrease in epidermis thickness. Field of application of the research results is ecological physiology.
Keywords: UDMH, leaf, anatomical parameters, Agropyronfragile, Stipasareptana, Artemisiaterraе-albaе.


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