Microbiological contamination of regional potato varieties during cultivation in the northern region of Kazakhstan

№3 (2018)


Seitalykyzy K., Dyuskalieva G.U.,  Velyamov M.T.


“Study of bio microbiological contamination of regional potato varieties, at the stages of cultivation and technical ripeness obtained from the economy of the northern region of Kazakhstan. It has been established that the Sartorius PCP membrane filtration method can be used for monitoring microbiological studies of potatoes during their vegetative growth and technical ripeness. In addition, this method is accelerated and is designed for general use without specially prepared conditions. Because of monitoring of microbiological contamination at the stage of cultivation and technical ripeness of potatoes, quantitative indicators of CFU, which during the indicated periods are increased by l-3lg10 in the northern region of
Kazakhstan, are established. Presumably, this is due to the impact on the level of physiological protection of potatoes to a certain extent various agro technological treatments in the field.
Keywords: variety, potatoes, mycelia fungi, monitoring, microorganisms, toxins, pesticides, nitrates.

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