Bioindication of air toxicity by long-term monitoring of the krasnoyarsk metropolitan area pine forests

МРНТИ 87.17.03

Polyakova G.G., Sokolova N.V., Senasheva V.A., Podolyak N.M.

Abstract. Open access materials concerning the amounts of toxic emissions from the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Smelter (RUSAL Krasnoyarsk) have been collected and analyzed. Concentrations of the toxic gas benzo(a)pyrene, up to two orders of magnitude higher than the permissible level, have been chronically recorded in the air. The Smelter emits 97% of the total benzo(a)pyrene emissions in the city. To evaluate the impact of air pollutants on local ecosystems, annual monitoring of suburban pine forest stands was conducted in 2002-2023. Data obtained indicate
the degradation of the forest stands caused by their chronic damage by air pollutants. Needle discoloration, an increase in tree mortality, and an increase in the score for the forest vigor state category (6-point scale) prove sharply increased degradation of pine forests in 2020-2023. A higher degree of degradation was observed in the forest stand where the first cases of needle discoloration were recorded earlier. The results have confirmed that suburban forests are bioindicators of the urban air basin toxicity and allow observing the biodegradation dynamics.
Key words: air pollution, aluminum smelter, benzo(a)pyrene, suburban pine forest stands, sample plots, discoloration of needles, stock (volume) of died trees.

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