Socio – economic development of the Altai Republic in the period 1991 to 2017 Historic experience and problems (past 2).

ІRSTІ  06.52.45                                                                                      №3 (2019г.)

Safianov D. R.

The history developing in the field of state structure and economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation, on the example of the Altai Republic, is of interest to economists, sociologists and historians of the Republic of Kazakhstan interested in the history and development of the study of socio — economic development of the neighboring border region of Russia, which allows to identify not only the features of the process of social and economic development of the region within the country as a whole, but also to show the features of the implementation of economic policy on the ground, to identify regional factors for the General development trends of the Altai Republic, this will strengthen interstate cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia, as well as the implementation of the international project “Big Altai”.
Key words: Altai Republic, development of the economy of the region, social aspects, history of the Altai mountains, the silk road, a transcontinental route, the innovation of the Altai Republic.




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