Performance of scientific research implemented within the framework of grant and result-oriented financing

МРНТИ  06.71.37, 12.91                                                                   №1 (2019г.)


Bapiyeva M.K., Eleukenova K.A., Mamytbayeva Sh.G. 


According to the Rules of State Registration of Scientific and Technical Projects and Programs Funded from the State Budget, and Reports on their Implementation, approved by order No. 149 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of March 31, 2015, the implementing organization provides a report on scientific projects on the implementation of scientific research. This article analyzes the data from reports of completed research projects on the results of a three-year competition from 2013 to 2015, carried out within the framework of Grant and Result Oriented Financing. Paper describes the specific and sectoral structure of scientific research conducted in Kazakhstan financed from the state budget and presents the results of its effectiveness.
Keywords: research reports, grant funding, result-oriented financing, basic and applied research


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