Regional features of science in Kazakhstan

ІRSTІ  06.61.33                                                                                                 №4 (2018г.)


Beliayeva G.N. 


A brief description of the development of regional science in Kazakhstan is given. The article presents figures on public funding and the participation of economic structures in the implementation of research and development. Some economic indicators for each region are given, in particular, the share of science in the gross regional product, which characterizes the economic development of a particular region. The findings are advisory in nature for the possible organization of control over government subsidies to science, since often there is a dispersion of the scientific potential into many small and economically non-functional works. This control is necessary to regulate the directions of regional scientific research and to maximize the impact of the results obtained when introducing a specific field into production.
Keywords: gross regional product, scientific research, science in Kazakhstan, financing of science, regional economy

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