Balance experiments on the purification of waste gases of thermal power plants from SO2 and NOХ by carbonate melt

PDF Dosmukhamedov N.K., Zholdasbay E.E. Abstract: The conceptual scheme of the waste gas treatment technology of the CHP includes the organization of interconnected processes of chemical absorption of SO2 and NOx by the carbonate melt of alkali metals and further regeneration of the carbonate-sulfate melt by natural gas. In previous studies, it was shown that it…

About the issue of cleaning exhaust gases from tpps and metallurgical enterprises from so2: regeneration of carbonate-sulfate melt with natural gas

PDF Dosmukhamedov N.K., Egizekov M.G., Zholdasbai E.E., Kurmanseitov M.B., Argyn A.A. Abstract: General concept is proposed for a technology of purifying waste gases of TPPs and metallurgical enterprises from SO2 and CO2 . The fundamental possibility of carrying out the process of regeneration of carbonate-sulfate melt with natural gas is shown. Based on experimental work it…

On plastic pollution and its potential impact on the biodiversity of the Caspian Sea

МРНТИ 87.19.15, 34.35.51                                                                            №2 (2021 г.) Baimukanov M.T., Baimukanova   Zh.M. Research on plastic pollution of aquatic ecosystems is currently…

Main directions for rational use of water resources in the Republic of Kazakhstan

IRSTI 87.19.91                                                                                               №2 (2021 г.) Kazakbayeva   T.M.,  Shaibek A.D.   …

Ecotoxicant – unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine

МРНТИ 87.15, 34.31                                                                                          №2 (2021 г.) Uteulin K.R.   The research has summarized…

Morpho-anatomical structure of leaves of wild-growing plants Agropiron fragile (roth) candargy, Stipa sareptana a.beck, Artemisia terra – albae krasch cultivated in soils polluted with unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine

МРНТИ 87.15, 34.31                                                                                       №2 (2021 г.) Uteulin K.R., Bekeshev E.A., Amrin M.K., Kurbatova N.V.,…

Modified sorbents for stimulation of destructive processes of soils contaminated as a result of rocket and space activities

МРНТИ   87.21.23                                                                     №1 (2021г.) PDF Nechipurenko S. V., Efremov S. A., Kalugin S. N., Kayaydarova A. K.   The article presents the…

Principles and paradoxes of semantic content and regulatory framework of Chapter 7-Environmental assessment of the draft Environmental code of the Republic of Kazakhstan

МРНТИ 87.01.80                                                                                            №1 (2021г.) PDF Shustov A. I., Ogar N….

Comparative analysis of the anatomical structure of some wild plant species and those grown on soils contaminated with asymmetric dimethylhydrazine

МРНТИ 87.15.03, 34.29                                                                  №4 (2020г.)   Uteulin K.R., Bekeshev E.A., Amrin M.K., Kurbatova N.V., Fedorina O.A., Stepanova E.Yu., Aldasugurova Ch.Zh., Atygaev A. B….

Biometric indicators of plants of wild species Agropyron fragie (roth) p. Candary, Stipa sareptana a. beck and Artemisia terra-ALbae krasch in conditions of soil contamination with asymmetric dimethylhydrazine

МРНТИ 87.15.03, 34.29                                                                            №4 (2020г.) Uteulin K.R., Bekeshev M.K., Amrin N.V., Kurbatova N.V., Fedorina O.A., Stepanova E.Yu., Aldasugurova…