Main directions for rational use of water resources in the Republic of Kazakhstan

IRSTI 87.19.91                                                                                               №2 (2021 г.)

Kazakbayeva   T.M.,  Shaibek A.D.   

The article examines major directions of the rational management of water resources in the Republic of Kazakhstan, specifically the South Kazakhstan region. Rational water use plays a huge role in the water sector and the country’s economy as a whole. Rational water management is a pragmatic process that comprises the efficient utilization and conservation of water resources,
which guarantees the preservation of water bodies from excessive anthropogenic impact. Rational water management is the main moderator in supplying the population and the national economy with water resources. The analysis of the foundations of rational water management is conducted, the basic economic instruments affecting the process of water management are examined, and the structure of water resources management in the South Kazakhstan region is investigated.
Keywords: rational water management, water resources, virtual water, sustainable water use, river runoff, total surface water resources.

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