Matrix preliminary assessment landscaping large cities of Kazakhstan

МРНТИ 87.03.17                                                                                    №3 (2018г.)                         

Nysanbayev Y.N., Mukanov B.M., Bukeykhanov A.N., Mambetov B.T., Maysupova B.T. 

Assessment of the state of greening of large cities of Kazakhstan, as a natural complex, includes the work on the level research scheme proposed by the Almaty branch of “KazSRIFA”. On the basis of the analysis of the actual state of greening of the cities of Kazakhstan, existing LA (legal act) in the presence of perspective design of development of greening of city territories taking into account world experience the complex assessment of the differentiated indicators (criteria) of an assessment of greening-for all categories of the cities, including their ecological, economic and social aspects was developed and systematized.
Keywords: level of gardening, general indicators, impact scale, matrix.

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