Surface phenomena in graphite and obtaining graphene from it

МРНТИ 29.19.16


Yurov V.M., Zhangozin K.N., Zhanabergenov T.K., Kargin D.B.

Abstract: The article offers an overview of our latest theoretical work on graphite and graphene. A model is proposed for determining the thickness of the surface layer of graphite, from which the strength of graphite and graphene can be calculated and the length of nanocracks in the surface layer of these materials can be determined. A model of the mechanism of graphite splitting and graphene production is proposed. It was shown that it is possible to split graphite using a pulsed picosecond laser for heating. A model of the mechanism of graphite splitting by aqueous solutions is proposed. The model is based on an original innovative technique for using microcluster water in combination with ultrasound and an electric field to obtain powder graphene. A model is proposed for assessing the Peierls–Nabarro barrier, which leads to inhibition of dislocations in the surface layer of graphene. It is shown that the Peierls–Nabarro barrier in graphene is maximum for a monovacancy.
Key words: graphite, graphene, surface, model, defect, mechanism.
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