Investigation of limiting heat fluxes under transient conditions STP and GTU power plants

МРНТИ 44.31.31                                                                                            №2 (2021г.)

Genbach A.A., Bondartsev D.Yu., Aitmagambetov A.A.

A special danger during transient conditions is caused by the difference in time of temperature expansions, rotating and stationary parts; the arising thermal stresses, without leading to any dangerous sit-uations at the current moment, during cyclic repetition, often after years, lead to the appearance of low-cycle fatigue cracks. Internal processes occurring in porous structures, in particular, the intensity of the phase transition process in the zones of the porous structure, are of considerable interest. In this work, we study the nature of the effect of boiling
of the capillary structure (CS) on the intensity of heat transfer. The method of designing porous systems in relation to the developed device of thermal power plants is presented. The conducted research makes it possible to introduce the cooling liquid, the material of the body and structure, the type of porous coating, perform calculations of heat determination, resistance, thermal stresses, and give an economic and environmental assessment.
Keywords: heat flow, steam (gas) turbine unit, capillary-porous structures and coatings, cooling system.


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