Composition and physico-chemical properties of milk of cows of the Holstein and Alatau breed

МРНТИ  68.39.19                                                                            №1 (2021г.)


Khasteva A. J., Muslimov N. W., Alexina N. E.


In a market economy, the price of sales plays a crucial role for farms that supply milk, while quality is a key issue for processing enterprises.
Dairy cattle breeding has always been one of the most important branch of the national economy in providing consumers with biologically complete food. The article sets forth the physical and chemical composition of milk from Kazakh Holstein and Alatau cows, and also the article gives its seasonal dynamics. This paper presents one of the approaches to identify fatty acids using gas chromatography. Determination of the composition of fatty acids today is a guarantee of quality in identifying various conformations and modifications of milk fat, bioactive properties of individual acids of the omega-3 and omega-6 families, etc. The results of research have shown that the breed and season significantly affect the physical and chemical parameters of milk and the content of fatty acids in lipids.
Keywords: fatty acid composition, fat, protein, season, breed.


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