Obstetric and gynecological dispensarycattle in the Almaty regions of Kazakhstan

МРНТИ  68.41.31                                                                              №1 (2021г.)


Sultanuly Zh., Romashev К.М., Ergumarova М., Mambetaliyev М.

The results of the study show that the chemical composition in the meat of the pig group is greater than in the experimental group, and the calorie content is higher than 1 kcal than in the experimental group, and the remaining indicators are the same. The usefulness of protein depends on the content of all amino acids necessary for the organism. In connection with this, we comparatively studied the composition of amino acids in pigs in the control group and the composition of amino acids in the experimental group. The results of the study show that pigs in terms of chemical composition do not suffer from the syndrome of reproductive-respiratory infections, more fat than experimental groups, and calories per 1 kcal higher than those of experimental groups. in the meat of a pig in the experimental group of essential amino acids, and in the control group of 99269.9 mg/100 g.
substituted amino acids in the experimental group 11108 mg/100 g, in the control group 11162 mg/100 g. Studies show that young pigs with the syndrome of reproductive-respiratory infections need better nutrition and consumption of essential amino acids than those of adult animals.
Keywords: amino acids, evaluation, pig meat, nutritional value.


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