Veterinary and sanitary examination of African catfish meat using a feed additive based on the mineral ” Shungite”

МРНТИ  65.59.03                                                                            №1 (2021г.)


Zhumageldiev A. A., Zarkhanov A. Zh., Berdikul M. A., Baidildaeva I. K., Askarova M. O.

The article emphasizes the production of high-quality seafood, that is, fish products, which have a special place in providing consumers with high-quality and safe food products, growing African catfish in the pools of the limited liability partnership “ASYL TAS ENGINEERING” at the village of Shonzhy, Almaty region. The main condition was to obtain high-quality and safe products by feeding fish with a high-quality feed mixture when growing fish, so the fish of the African catfish were fed with two different feed mixtures. The first is a mixture based on the local mineral called shungite, the second is a mineral feed mixture. As a result, there were differences in the amino acid composition of African catfish that were fed the
local mineral shungite. That is, it was found that the content of non-essential amino acids and essential amino acids is higher than in fish that were fed a mineral feed mixture.
Keywords: African catfish, feed additive based on the local mineral shungite, organoleptic characteristics, amino acids, veterinary and sanitary expertise.


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