Principles and paradoxes of semantic content and regulatory framework of Chapter 7-Environmental assessment of the draft Environmental code of the Republic of Kazakhstan

МРНТИ 87.01.80                                                                                            №1 (2021г.)


Shustov A. I., Ogar N. P., Kysykov V. A., Popov N. N., Gorbunova N. F., Kirikovich V. V.


The article presents the semantic and substantive analysis and the legal basis for one of the fundamental sections of the Draft Environmental Code of
the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is the sixth public version, and namely, Chapter 7 “Environmental Assessment”. The analysis shows that the various environmental concepts that define “environmental assessment”, “strategic environmental assessment” and “impact assessment”, as well as the regulatory legal acts used for legal justification, specified in each paragraph of Chapter 7, provide the semantic and regulatory identity of the basic concepts and level out the “objectively existing” distinctions that reflect the legal basis of each type of environmental assessment. The proposed new instrument for screening “effects” of the concepts and programs that were not previously used in the existing Environmental Code of RK and
the absent in the published Concept of the Environmental code of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, in this version of the Draft EC of the RK, as in its previous versions, essentially substitutes the substitution of various forms of environmental assessment procedure or screening process.
Keywords: environmental code, environmental impact assessment, environment.


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