Application of new technologies in the organization of the educational process

МРНТИ 28.01.45, 50.41.25                                                              №3 (2020г.)


Daineko Ye.А., Duzbayev N.T., Ipalakova M.T., Bekaulova Zh.M., Nalgozhina N.Zh.


This article discusses the use of new technologies in the field of education. The analysis of introduction of various innovative developments in education is carried out. The authors present their own software product using virtual reality technology for the study of Physics. This approach made the interaction with the application more interesting and memorable, and the training more effective. Unity 3D cross-platform environment was chosen as the development platform. The main functionality was written in C#. Graphic models were created using Substance Painter.
Keywords: new technologies, education, virtual reality, leap motion, virtual physical laboratory.


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